
Scottish letters patent granted to Thomas Farmer for obtaining sulphur, sulphurous acid and other products from pyrites

Letters patent granted to Thomas Farmer for 'Improvements in treating Pyrites to obtain Sulphur, Sulphurous Acid and other products'

Copy letter from Isambard Kingdom Brunel to the Directors of the Great Western Railway

Letters patent granted to Stephen Geary for 'Improvements in the preparation of fuel'

Sketch books of drawings of fragments recovered from the shipwrecks of the Royal George and the Edgar

Marshall's Geological Diagrams

Manuscript entitled: "Catalogue of the Apparatus of Philosophical Instruments, in the Collection of Her Late Majesty Queen Charlotte, at the Observatory at Richmond in Surrey"

Engraving of 'Lake Thirlmere or Wythburn Water, Cumberland'

Drawing entitled 'Sectional Drawing for a Steel Protected Cruiser for Colonial Defence to be named'

Elevation of parts of middle group drawn in plan on No. 127.

Visitors pass

Working Drawing for No 136 Locomotive

Great Western Railway – Drawing No 2 Side elevation and Cross Section

Printed prospectus for the London and Birmingham Railway Hotel and Dormitories, Euston Station

Letter from George Stephenson, Newcastle to Timothy Hackworth, Darlington

Cross-written letter from Miss Smith to Jane Young (nee Hackworth), Vilvorde, Belgium

Cross-written letter from Elizabeth Dove, Leeds to Prudence Nightingale (nee Hackworth), Darlington

Pages 178 and 179 of John Graham's report book 1835-1838

Pages 118 and 119 of John Graham's report book 1835-1838

Pages 174 and 175 of John Graham's report book 1835-1838

Pages 108 and 109 of John Graham's report book 1835-1838

Pages 168 and 169 of John Graham's report book 1835-1838

Pages 110 and 111 of John Graham's report book 1835-1838

Pages 160 and 161 of John Graham's report book 1835-1838

Pages 148 and 149 of John Graham's report book 1835-1838

Pages 154 and 155 of John Graham's report book 1835-1838

Pages 98 and 99 of John Graham's report book 1835-1838

Pages 94 and 95 of John Graham's report book 1835-1838

Pages 80 and 81 of John Graham's report book 1835-1838

Pages 146 and 147 of John Graham's report book 1835-1838

Pages 96 and 97 of John Graham's report book 1835-1838

Pages 136 and 137 of John Graham's report book 1835-1838

Pages 84 and 85 of John Graham's report book 1835-1838

Pages 88 and 89 of John Graham's report book 1835-1838

Pages 130 and 131 of John Graham's report book 1835-1838

Pages 122 and 123 of John Graham's report book 1835-1838

Pages 210 and 211 of John Graham's report book 1835-1838

Pages 200 and 201 of John Graham's report book 1835-1838

Pages 192 and 193 of John Graham's report book 1835-1838

Pages 196 and 197 of John Graham's report book 1835-1838

Pages 198 and 199 of John Graham's report book 1835-1838

Pages 184 and 185 of John Graham's report book 1835-1838

Pages 120 and 121 of John Graham's report book 1835-1838

Pages 202 and 203 of John Graham's report book 1835-1838

Pages 50 and 51 of the Robert Stephenson & Co Ltd minute book no.1

Pages 26 and 27 of John Graham's report book 1838-1845

Pages 36 and 37 of John Graham's report book 1838-1845

Pages 38 and 39 of John Graham's report book 1838-1845

Pages 52 and 53 of John Graham's report book 1838-1845

Pages 34 and 35 of John Graham's report book 1838-1845